123 StreetColumbus OH 43224
Office: 123-456-7890Cell: 456-789-0123Fax 789-012-3456nstar@nn.net
4518 Boca Ct.Columbus, OH 43230-5003MLS# 78945632$225,000.00Request Showing/More InformationEmail To A FriendMore Photos & Information...Beautiful one owner home. This space can hold a description of unlimited lengthRooms: 8Bed Rooms: 3Baths: 2Area: NorthSQ FT: 12000Property Tax: 1200Features:2 Car Garage3/More Car GarageAll Appliances IncludedAttached ParkingBasementCentral AirCarportDen/StudyDishwasher IncludedElectric CookingEat-In KitchenForced AirFamily RoomFenced Yard1 Car GarageGas CookingGas FireplaceGet MapGet SatelliteGet Satellite MapPrint Flyer:With Large PictureWith Small PictureWith No PictureReturn To Property Listings
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Beautiful one owner home. This space can hold a description of unlimited length
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